Donate to Technology Books for Children and make a meaningful difference. Your generosity has the power to transform lives and create lasting impact. As a non-profit organisation dedicated to fostering reading for pleasure on tech topics, we support children, educators, parents and families, in gaining greater understanding of technology, through book recommendations, resources and discussion.

We rely on the kindness and support of individuals and corporate partners like you to fuel our initiatives and drive positive change. Please do join us in our mission.

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There are a number of ways in which you can get involved with Technology Books for Children, please reach out today to begin that all important conversation and help us to change lives.

We value monetary donations (sponsorships, grants), insights, employee days to support our cause and any other support which you can give to help us achieve our goals.

Other ways to Support – Help us to reduce costs, through supporting us with your knowledge and skills, as a volunteer member of staff.

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